Our History
On July 12, 1901 Chicago Faucets founder, Albert C. 布朗拿出他的积蓄,在芝加哥西区附近开了一家小店. 在那里,他作为OEM供应商生产各种管道装置, as well as lamp shade frames, gas regulator valves, and oil burner tips and nozzles. By 1911, 对该公司管道产品的需求已经增长到这样的地步:它开始以自己的名义进行营销,并通过批发管道供应公司分销其不断扩大的产品线. |
In 1913, A.C. 布朗发明了一种墨盒,奠定了芝加哥水龙头公司的基石. 水龙头BETVLCTOR伟德国际的这一重大突破是获得专利的Quaturn™滤筒. The replaceable, 完全独立的墨盒是革命性的,在它的能力关闭水流从全流量与四分之一转的处理. 同样独特的是墨盒关闭与水的流动,而不是反对它的方式, reducing washer wear and virtually eliminating drips. 值得注意的是,墨盒是可更换的,可与其他芝加哥水龙头产品互换. The Quaturn cartridge became the standard of reliability, durability, 和价值,因为芝加哥水龙头承诺标准化和可再生的零件. Quaturn墨盒多年来不断更新,纳入了新技术和新材料, 但它仍然可以与自1913年以来生产的任何Quaturn互换. |
Reacting to the needs of the market in the early 1920's, 芝加哥水龙头镀铬装置逐渐取代了更传统的瓷处理装置. 与此同时,芝加哥市正经历着前所未有的建筑热潮. 新的工厂、办公楼、剧院、酒店和住宅正在以创纪录的速度建设. 芝加哥水龙头公司在20世纪20年代末扩大了生产能力,以满足对其产品的爆炸性需求. |
In July 2002, the Geberit Group acquired Chicago Faucets. The Geberit Group, headquartered in Jona, Switzerland, 是管道技术领域的欧洲市场领导者和全球供应商吗. Geberit employs over 12,000 people worldwide. Chicago Faucets maintains offices in Des Plaines, as well as an assembly plant in Michigan City, Indiana and a foundry in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 芝加哥水龙头公司是少数几家仍在生产永久性模具的公司之一, yellow brass faucet castings right here in the US. |
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certificate
ISO 45001 Certificate
About Geberit
Worldwide leader for sanitary products
全球运营的吉博力集团是欧洲卫生产品领域的领导者. 吉博力是一家综合性集团,在许多国家拥有强大的本地业务, 在卫浴技术和卫浴陶瓷方面提供独特的附加值. The Group is headquartered in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, 拥有26个生产设施的生产网络.
在北美,吉博力为壁挂式厕所和固定装置提供隐蔽系统. 吉博力系统通过隐藏难看的管道硬件来改善任何浴室的外观. 用吉博力系统取代标准厕所,可获得更多可用空间, improved hygiene, and better accessibility. 独特的双冲洗阀节约用水,几乎无需维护. 吉博力还提供电缆控制的浴缸废物和溢出在各种BETVLCTOR伟德国际师完成. 关键工作部件在水路外,确保多年无故障运行.
吉博力在全球50多个国家拥有约1.2万名员工,净销售额为3亿瑞士法郎.5 billion in 2021. The Geberit shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange; since 2012, 吉博力股票已被纳入瑞士市场指数。.
Geberit creates quality of life
Sustainability has been part of our identity for decades. It pays off – for the environment, the company, customers and partners, for employees, and also for shareholders.
At Geberit, sustainability takes many forms: water-saving products, new logistics solutions, energy-efficient production plants, and responsible training. Visit the Geberit Group’s website 并了解可持续的思想和行动如何影响我们日常生活的方方面面.
Geberit Group website
Geberit US website
Current Geberit Group online Annual Report
Geberit 2021 Sustainability Report